Well it started off wet. But Rudy, Pops and myself ventured off down the highway. No drama’s going down. Just that misty rain to contend with. Got down there and parked, then reparked. One heavy rain shower in the morning. Gene arrived followed by Grumpy. It was a good show. Plenty of nice hot rods and customs in amongst the entrants. I think the only issue of the day was that my door poppers stopped popping. Lucky for me I have an emergency entrance system (no its not a brick!). Anyway as a side note its all fixed… just a glitch in the matrix, probably due to moisture and I am moving the “install cowl weather seal” up the todo list.
Its interesting what people ask about the cars at each show. At Ottawa everyone asked Grumpy what color is this?, Pops got who painted this?, I got wow look at those tennis balls (every under 5 year old is fascinated)!, Rudy got hey can you show my friend your engine so they could guess what it is, Gene didnt get one question – rather a 1/2 hour q&a – usually from the same guy coming back over and over 🙂
I think Rudy was the only one who went back on Sunday? Unfortunately none of us picked up any door prizes (Rudy used all the luck last year). Pics attached…