This gallery contains 101 photos.
Well, quite the turn out and early too! A good selection of misfit trophies and couldn’t ask for a better October day. photos…
Tuesday 21st starts around Midday or maybe earlier. Goes until the evening 🙂
This gallery contains 101 photos.
Well, quite the turn out and early too! A good selection of misfit trophies and couldn’t ask for a better October day. photos…
This gallery contains 1 photo.
For me it was about the journey getting to the show, rather than the show. I’ve been busy putting a 261 into my 49 Chevy Coupe and drove it for the first time to the show. This was a personal … Continue reading
This gallery contains 82 photos.
Not a bad day. This was my alternate as I didn’t get the 49 on the road to take to Starliner. Mark bought his Model A out. Rudy & Billy were there.
This gallery contains 111 photos.
Well, it was a good day for the Punk Rodders Greaserama. Its a lot of effort to put on a show that big and they do it well. Weather was perfect. Seemed to be a great turnout to the show … Continue reading